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EUV 2019

"Volunteering: Improving Society, Develop Human Values"

The last Conference took place from 21-23 May 2019 in Moscow, Russia.

The Conference featured a diverse agenda of actual issues in the field of volunteering research, exchange of volunteer experience, implementation of effective volunteer initiatives in Russia and foreign countries, including discussion of results of the Year of Volunteer in Russia, talks about contribution of volunteer service into development of a society, evaluation of impact and effectiveness of volunteering efforts.

The Conference brought together leading Russian and foreign academics, representatives of government and non-profit sector, leading experts in the field of civic engagement and volunteering from Russia, CIS states and Europe. The Conference program consisted of plenaries, round tables and discussions, presentations of best volunteer practices, introduction with NGOs and social initiatives in Moscow.

The conference for researchers and practitioners of volunteering, which is traditionally held in the last decade of May in Moscow, is the annual event of the HSE University.The conference become a recognized academic platform for reviewing the state of volunteering research, sharing experience in implementing effective volunteer initiatives in Russia and post-Soviet states.

The Conference was organized by the Center for Studies of Civil Society and the Non-Profit Sector of the HSE University with the support of partner organizations and foundations, including the International Association for Volunteering (IAVE), the United Nations Volunteers Programme (UNV) and the Association of European University for Volunteering (EUV) were partners of the 2019 conference.

For more information, see the Conference website:

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