About Us

The Association

The Association named “European University for Volunteering (EUV)” is non-profit Association in the sense of Art. 60 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code, based in Basel, Switzerland.

The Association EUV is apolitical, non-religion organized, multicultural, and, inspired by the medieval ones; it is itinerant. It bases its activities on the ideas of the medieval travelling university, thereby offering a university education on topics related to civil engagement and civil society to volunteers and professionals working in the field of volunteering; this happens in interdisciplinary lectures and seminars taking place at irregular intervals. 

The Association was established in 1993 originally under the name of European University of Voluntary Service (EFU), during a plenary session in Brussels of the European Association of Volunteers - A.V.E. (Association pour le Volontariat à l'acte gratuit en Europe) in co-operation with representatives of Universities from Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and Spain. A.V.E., as a member of IAVE, played a special role to promote and to qualify volunteering in Europe. 

Board of Directors

The Board represents the Association externally. The Board evaluates applications for the implementation of an EUV event and decides on the transfer procedure to the local organizing institutions.

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